Good day. I am using the ARtemis Blackboard Nano and the current RTC with sleep example. The default sleep time of 200o ms is not working as planned rather the serial window output is cycling with new times as quickly as it can.
For example, from my serial output window:
It is now 8:43:29.55 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
It is now 8:43:29.56 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
It is now 8:43:29.56 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
It is now 8:43:29.57 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
It is now 8:43:29.57 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
It is now 8:43:29.58 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
It is now 8:43:29.58 07/15/20 Day of week: 3 = Wednesday
I have tried changing the sleep wake interval but again no effect. I am using for testing purposes: uint32_t msToSleep = 4000; ,
I have not changed any other part of the code for testing. And in any case the unchanged example behaves in the same way.
Code is:
#include "RTC.h" //Include RTC library included with the Aruino_Apollo3 core
APM3_RTC myRTC; //Create instance of RTC class
//uint32_t msToSleep = 2000; //This is the user editable number of ms to sleep between RTC checks
uint32_t msToSleep = 4000; //This is the user editable number of ms to sleep between RTC checks
#define TIMER_FREQ 3000000L //Counter/Timer 6 will use the HFRC oscillator of 3MHz
uint32_t sysTicksToSleep = msToSleep * (TIMER_FREQ / 1000);
void setup()
Serial.println("SparkFun RTC Example");
myRTC.setToCompilerTime(); //Easily set RTC using the system __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros from compiler
//myRTC.setTime(7, 28, 51, 0, 21, 10, 15); //Manually set RTC back to the future: Oct 21st, 2015 at 7:28.51 AM
void loop()
Serial.printf("It is now ");
Serial.printf("%d:", myRTC.hour);
Serial.printf("%02d:", myRTC.minute);
Serial.printf("%02d.", myRTC.seconds);
Serial.printf("%02d", myRTC.hundredths);
Serial.printf(" %02d/", myRTC.month);
Serial.printf("%02d/", myRTC.dayOfMonth);
Serial.printf("%02d", myRTC.year);
Serial.printf(" Day of week: %d =", myRTC.weekday);
Serial.printf(" %s", myRTC.textWeekday);
am_hal_sysctrl_sleep(AM_HAL_SYSCTRL_SLEEP_DEEP); //Sleepy time
//We use counter/timer 6 for this example but 0 to 7 are available
//CT 7 is used for Software Serial. All CTs are used for Servo.
void setupWakeTimer()
//Clear compare interrupt
am_hal_stimer_int_clear(AM_HAL_STIMER_INT_COMPAREG); //Use CT6
am_hal_stimer_int_enable(AM_HAL_STIMER_INT_COMPAREG); // Enable C/T G=6
//Don't change from 3MHz system timer, but enable G timer
//Setup ISR to trigger when the number of ms have elapsed
am_hal_stimer_compare_delta_set(6, sysTicksToSleep);
//Enable the timer interrupt in the NVIC.
//Called once number of milliseconds has passed
extern "C" void am_stimer_cmpr6_isr(void)
uint32_t ui32Status = am_hal_stimer_int_status_get(false);
//Reset compare value. ISR will trigger when the number of ms have elapsed
am_hal_stimer_compare_delta_set(6, sysTicksToSleep);