Low Power Alarm example (1.2.1) fails (freezes) after a few hours

I am using the Low Power Alarm example (RTC) with version 1.2.1. I have made one modification to print the time to a display. The code works fine for 4-6ish hours, then just stops. Any thoughts? Anyone else having the same problem?

Hi @dbj1906,

I wrote the RTC example and didn’t notice any freezing during my initial extended tests. Can I ask which Artemis board are you using and what external devices you have attached?

Keep in mind that you may need to add code to properly sleep/wake other attached devices. My example is demonstrative and intended to run on an Artemis board by itself.

I just updated my SparkFun Apollo3 Boards to v1.2.1 and will run an Artemis Redboard for several hours with serial output to see if I experience the same issue.



Adam - I think the issue is the Sharp Memory Display that I was using to display time (updates every minute on Alarm 6 interrupt). I ran the RTC example (on a Artemis ATP) and didn’t have a problem (over 36 hours). I think for some reason the display stops waking up properly. So… I need to do some research to figure out how to properly wake the device.

Hi @dbj1906,

Thanks for the update! I’m glad you were able to identify what is likely causing the issue.

Best of luck!
