Fast Fourier Transform Capability for 9DoF Razor IMU M0

I am trying to use the 9DoF Razor IMU M0 to obtain hand acceleration data then run a Fast Fourier Transform on the data to convert it to frequency space. I wanted to run the FFT on the 9dof Razor itself so that I can trigger an alert when a certain frequency is measured by the 9dof Razor. However, when I tried to run a Adafruit_ZeroFFT example program it did not work. The Adafruit_ZeroFFT program worked on a Adafruit feather micro controller that has the same SAMD21 microprocessor as the 9dof Razor. Is the 9dof Razor able to run FFT programs and are there any FFT libraries available to be used with the 9dof Razor?


I think you might have issues getting both the example firmware and the FFT library running on the SAMD21. The primary limitation being memory space; if I remember correctly, the example firmware utilizes a majority of the available memory, which the FFT program probably also needs.

Could you just pass the data from the razor to the zero/feather and run the programs separately?

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I can pass the data from the Razor to the Feather and run the program separately. I wanted to see if this could all be done on the Razor so that I would only be using one device that would have a smaller form factor.

Memory constraints aside… unfortunately, we didn’t write that library and we don’t really provide consultation services on custom code. You might need to modify the library to work with our board; I suggest looking into how the library operates.

You can also try to file an [issue on the library; though, I am not sure how much assistance you will get.](Issues · adafruit/Adafruit_ZeroFFT · GitHub)