In the [hookup guide for the [femtobuck , it says
Note: When using an external supply for the Femtobuck, the grounds of the two boards must be connected!
Is that referring to the Arduino ground and V- on the femtobuck (external power supply ground), or just ground between 2 or more femtobuck boards?
I’ll probably be using 1 femtobuck with probably 3 LEDs in series. When looking at the LEDs in series diagram in the hookup guide, at first I assumed the two black wires that cross were not connected, but then I saw that note I quoted above and now think they should be connected. But that would mean that V- and D- would also always be connected. But if that is the case, why would they both need to exist?
In general, when looking at the wiring diagrams, should I assume that 2 lines of the same color that cross mean that they should be connected?](](FemtoBuck Constant Current LED Driver Hookup Guide v13 - SparkFun Learn)