The logging version: … ts_id=9171
is a bit too wide - not even to the next 0.1" width for the connection and doesn’t do the power handoff quite right (short from 3.3 to the connector). And it doesn’t have any battery backup for the ram/rtc unless there actually is a jumper (on the schematic, but not visible anywhere on the circuit board).
The plain version: … ts_id=9133
has a solder jumper between the VBatt and the main supply. There is no easy way to put the recommended schottky diode across them for using battery backup - if you angle one just right you can do an ugly hack-job.
Now that AGPS has been decoded there is a much bigger reason to keep the memory around.
For both boards, I would recommend just getting the diode - it is inexpensive and small and then would just be soldered with the rest of the SMD components.
Even if you left it unpopulated, a set of pads for the diode would make it far easier to put one in (just after undoing the direct solder-jumper). The main thing is they don’t recommend any of the normal non-smd schottky diodes, and the data sheet is a bit vague. Putting the one they recommend in instead of the direct short would make adding battery backup much easier.
The diode and recommended battery are available from digikey, though I might just put the resistor and diode from the circuit on the board itself so I could do a larger or different battery, but even their recommended battery is small - again, maybe unpopulated thru-holes.
Digikey also has the 64Mb chip they recommend for logging (in two SMD styles - you have a different 32Mb and you don’t sell it separately and I can’t find it). The more compact WSON package is a pain to solder by hand but would fit well in a revised logging version, and I don’t think there are any other uses for the SPI. If attached, (with power) it will be to this chip or something very much like it, and this is the largest capacity in the datasheet list. (If there is an even bigger chip, I would go with that, I don’t know if experimenting with similar but larger chips would be worth it).