Float/Fix postcard base error

I am using 2 postcards, with lora radios, I have set low bandwith mode on the base and set defaults to logging and not turned on extra nmea messages over default. I find that most times my rover will either be in float or if it does get a fix it will age out to 120 seconds and drop out. How can I fix this?

So I’m wondering if my backyard maybe the signal is just not good enough. I have power lines and a tree and I’m remembering a time I tried to do static with a Trimble and couldn’t get a good static observation downtown. I’m using a survey tripod and multiband antenna. The longer it’s been cooking the longer I’ve seen fixes hold.

I just read this on the Quectel forum:

The maximum allowed time for injecting base station data into LG290P module is every 5 seconds

okay needed to copy off sd card to another place. Got a rinex made. now will it process is the next question.

The “maximum” statement isn’t extremely clear.
The LG290P can operate with Corrections older than 5 seconds.
It can also operate with 1 second corrections.

I’m afraid it’s not all that useful of a comment :face_with_peeking_eye:

I am wondering if my backyard just causes it to kick in and out of rtk solution. Might need to try a big open field next.

Well I’ve now tried esp now and it works 1 second holding rtk, so the question is what Lora needs to function.

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