Fm tuner breakout board. BOB-11083.

so, a couple years ago in a foolish spasm of optimistic stupidity I purchased this cute little thing thinking I could add a little FM to this emergency USB charger/light I was building. Then I got it and the arduino and far too many expensive extras. But anyway I forged ahead and channeling the shade of Rube Goldberg somehow got it connected to my laptop which installed a library of gibberish on the thing then crashed, forcing me to reinstall windows.

After screaming a few words that killed butterflies in a half-mile radius I contented myself with pocket charger without radio.

Just checking while doing some spring cleaning. Is it possible to just use this thing alone? Five buttons: power, vol up/down, freq up/down. I can guess the station. Seek function would be nice. Does reset reset vol and freq to base?

Or should I just toss it?

Unfortunately parts like this require some sort of micro controller to function. An Arduino (or another board) and code would be necessary to make it function.

Not sure what you mean by “installed a library of gibberish on the thing then crashed, forcing me to reinstall windows”. To use the breakout board you need some microcontroller. One of the smaller Arduinos (Mini, Micro) would probably we perfect for that. And installing the Arduino IDE should not “crash” your computer; not if you install a proper version.