I have the SparkFun Venus GPS (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/11058) and I connected it to a MyRio 1900 from National Instruments.
My problem is that the sensor does not work consistently. I use the Binary Command Protocol to change some parameters:
First I increase the baudrate
then I increase the frequency at which messages are sent
then I configure the NMEA messages so that only the RMC messages get sent
I am rather sure that the messages itself are correct since sometimes it works perfectly.
But sometimes they don’t work and then a framing error occurs.
I managed to get less errors by introducing some wait times between reading and writing the binary commands. So now I write a config message and wait a second and then read the reply. Also after sending all the messages I wait one second before starting normal operations mode.
But that only made the framing error occur less often.
Is there some special timings that I have to comply to in the byte command protocol or do you know what can cause this? It works in about 80 percent of the cases but I would like more consistency in the way it works since it is a vital part of my data aquisition program.
Best regards