FT-X breakout boards

FTDI’s new FT-X devices, http://www.ftdichip.com/FT-X.htm, ought to be great candidates for breakout boards. The FT230X and FT231X would replace the FT232RL in most cases, just smaller and cheaper.


If you look further down the page you linked to, FTDI already make breakout boards. These are less than $10 at Digikey, so not sure why Sparkfun would bother making their own. Would be nice if Sparkfun stocked them though.

I can at least verify that the FT230X works beautifully for an Arduino bootloader on a 3.3V system, since avrdude now pulses both DTR and RTS for reset.

There’s a super-small MicroUSB FT230X breakout available at http://jim.sh/ftx/. It’s open hardware, so Sparkfun could use the design if they’d like.