FTDI 5v Cable + Ethernet Pro not recognized by Mac

I just got an Ethernet Pro (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10536) and an FTDI 5v Cable (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9718) to go with it, but can’t get my computers to recognize it. From what I can tell, this is the right cable to use. The board powers up when the cable is connected, but I never get a usable serial port. I’ve installed the current FTDI drivers on three different Macs (two Intel one PPC) but none of them recognize it.

Any ideas to narrow down if this is: A) something I’ve done wrong or wrong cable, B) bad cable, C) bad programming pins on the board?

Or any other ideas?

I’ve used a Mega with a standard USB cable for a while now but this is my first board requiring the FTDI chip.

There are two different FTDI-drivers, only one of them offering com ports. Are you sure you’ve got the right drivers?

VCP Driver (Virtual Com Port)

D2XX (Direct access from programs, requiring them to be made for using FTDI-chips, and does not offer com-port).

You want the VCP drivers.

My first guess is you might have the wrong ones.

(I’m using FTDIs (arduinos, ftdi-cables… ) on Windows, OS X and FreeBSD, and no issues so far)


Yeah I made sure to get the vcp drivers. I also made sure to never flip the cable upside down when connecting it, so I didnt short it out. Also tried doing it with external power to the board as well since I’ve read the wiznet takes a lot.

Should the port be recognized as soon as the cable is plugged in alone, with no board attached, or must the board be there too? I’ve tried both ways just curious when the os should see it

It should see it with just the cable attached.


kextstat | grep -i ftdi

give you anything?

Yeah the driver is loaded. For reference, the output is below. The only thing i can think is that the cable is bad?

128 0 0xffffff7f8191c000 0x8000 0x8000 com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.2.16) <98 31 5 4 3 1>

Also note that system profiler does not see anything for the cable under USB.