So I’m not exactly a novice with electronics, but I’m venturing outside my normal realm of knowledge for this little project I’m working on. I’m kind of having trouble.
First off, I’m not too familiar with proximity sensing and photo switches, and I’ve been running Google the past three hours to try and figure it out. Basically, I have two LED’s, one front\one back, and I need to make it so that if the user trips the proximity switch, the circuit will run the power to the rear LED instead of the front one (The front will be active by default).
The other thing is I can only really use SMD because it’s a very small enclosure. I’ve found some really cool SMD photo transistors, but I’m trying to figure out how I’d wire them to create such a circuit, if that’s even what I need.
Personally, I’d prefer a capacitive sensor of sorts to detect the current of the user’s touch, but I couldn’t find an SMD one.
Any help = mucho appreciated