Getting a fiducial into the cream layer

Hi All…

Using Eagle, I put three fiducials on my board, and I want to get them into the cream layer so I can have a plastic stencil made and line it up. Previously, someone sent me a board in Eagle that had nice fiducials. These were in the SmartPrj library. Well, I can’t locate that library, nor can I export it from that brd file.

Instead, this project has a fiducual from the Spark Fun Eagle library. But, this fiducial does not appear in the cream layer. I spent hours trying to get it to appear there, but no joy.

Could someone please point me to the SmaryPrj library, or help me get the SparkFun fiducial into the cream layer? Maybe there is another solution?


Do you still have the board/schematic files that had the parts you want? If so you can export all the parts included in that project as a library, and then you can use parts from that library in your own projects.

I think it’s called “exp-project-lbr.ulp” or something similar…

I tried that, but although the “collect data” found it, it didn’t get exported. Strange.

Can’t you just draw it on that layer?

Can’t you just draw it on that layer?

We got the other one to work from SmartPrj, but I guess we could have done that.