I have a weird issue with the GM862.
I have a python script running which gives me a command line like:
If I use a terminal program I can send it commands like :
and it sends me back info.
NOW, if I hook up the serial port to my Axis SBC, and have IT send the same command, I see the echoed characters, but it NEVER responds!
I’ve verified the is sent, and that the SBC is sending exactly the correct string…
One hint, when I re-hookup the terminal program, and press enter, it triggers a response, and I can see a lot of ‘pent up’ commands sitting on the GM862 side…
Is this a RTS/CTS issue?
Note I have the GM862 send a ‘Hello!’ message every 2 seconds, and my SBC DOES receive this!! It just never gets its command executed!
Are there RTS/CTS issues with the EVK V3 board?
Driving me crazy!