I am starting on a project that will involve mounting around 60 or so tri-color leds on a flat wall-hangable 2" or so thick device. We are going to try to get somewhat of a resemblance to the old-school style “blinkenlights” info panels you see at Nasa/Power Plants/etc which will read out server uptime, computer statuses, etc, for a company I work in IT for. I’ve been looking around for a good housing that can hold each LED individually but have been unable to find anything.
Something similar to this:
http://www.opendragon.ca/Images/001_05_12_0007.jpgPossibly even with square lights instead of round. And if it scan screw in to the board, even better! Issue I’ve had is finding one that can do the 4-lead tri-color leds. Any ideas? We will probably have a couple 7-segment displays also.
I’ll post pics when I’m finished!