GPS-16481 - Powering board via +5V on board AND usb cable connected is possible?

GPS-16481 can be powered (like GPS-15136) via +5V on usb cable, or via +5V on board edge pin strip, or via +3V3 on board edge pin strip

But is possible to power board via +5V board edge strip pin AND connecting a usb cable (with +5V inside) for pc communication ?

Has protection been provided to prevent current from one power source from entering the other?

The 2 distinct power lines not interfere with each other ?

There isn’t any protection built in so it would be possible for one power source to backfeed the other.

You might pop a diode on the 5V pin to keep USB power from backfeeding your 5 volt supply, but the 5 volt supply could backfeed USB power. That might be an issue for some computers so be careful or current limit your 5 volt supply so that if it does backfeed, at least you’re not damaging your computer.