I absolutely have not tried this, but I think what you propose should work…? Maybe?
The car base is feeding corrections to the drone base.
The drone base is feeding corrections to the drone rover.
The drone rover is outputting its position relative to the drone base (RELPOSNED). That gives you the drone orientation.
I was wondering if you also need to know the position of the drone base relative to the car base, but I don’t think you do?
So long as you are outputting the drone rover position (PVT) and relative position (RELPOSNED) then I think you have everything you need to calculate the relative position and orientation of the drone pair to the car base.
All this is relative though. None of this will give you accurate absolute positioning. Unless the car base is also receiving RTCM corrections from a nearby static base (via NTRIP).
I do worry about having those two GNSS antennas on the drone. The baseline will be really short. And getting both away from the props could be challenging?
Wow. That’s quite a project. Please let us know if it works!
Thank you for your answer Paul !
Actually, what I need in my project is the heading of the drone (this is why I have two GNSS on the drone) and I do also need the precise relative position of the drone to the car.
So I need to get the output of the rover to have the heading, but do I also need the output of the drone base to have an accurate relative position ? or the rover output is enough ?
Because I think that to calculate the relative position of the drone to the car with the positions of the rover and the car would be less accurate than having directly the relative position from the drone base.
I don’t think I’ll need an accurate absolute position but thank you for the information about the NTRIP !
For the two antennas, I’ve seen YouTube videos where they get about 1 or 2 degree precision on the heading with 50cm between the two antennas. Therefore, I will try my best to put the antennas away from each other as much as possible ! 
If you want to calculate and display the relative position / orientation in real time, your microcontroller also needs the position of the car base. You need a link from car base Tx back to a second port on your microcontroller. Or use I2C for that.
You’re right but if the base of the drone is already outputting its relative position (which I don’t know of it can…) to the car I won’t need this, but I will need a link from drone base Tx back to my microcontroller. Because as I said, I think that to calculate the relative position of the drone with the absolutes positions of the drone and the car won’t be accurate.
So the big question here is do the moving base on the drone can output its relative position ? :?: :?:
Thank you for your time !