GPS whit internal antenna PCB Desing


I have adquiered a MG-S01SP GPS module wich come with an internal antenna… I’ve just finnish my SCH now I’m moving on the PCB… Should I have any consideration about it?

I was planning to use a connector so it is a little elevated from the board, so I can gain some more space on it… Should I do that? Obviously the chip Antenna would be on top…

What about a ground plane below it?

I use both layers of the board, TOP and BOTTOM…

THANKS in advance! :smiley:

What about a ground plane below it?

I played with this module too - and as far as I found out it's performing better (= better reception) with a ground plane directly underneath.

Most GPS antennas like larger ground planes underneath them. The effect of such a ground plane with the antenna mounted high up on another board assembly won’t be as great however.

Chip antennas don’t work with a ground plane underneath. You presumably mean a ceramic patch antenna, which does require a ground plane.


First of all, thanks to all of you for your reply!

leon_heller, you were right, I mean a ceramic patch…

As all of you told me, I’ll place a ground plane underneath it…

Thanks again!

I’m back with a new question… Now it’s because I want to reduce some space…

Besides the GPS I have a GSM/GPRS MODULE, wich I only use to transmit data via GPRS and send SMS, but no AUDIO…

I’m doing a double layer PCB. I was planning to place the GPS in the bottom layer with its ground plane in the same layer… And in the top layer i want to place the GSM/GPRS, at the same level, with a ground plane for it in the top layer… Did you understand what I mean? In one side is the GPS and in the other, the GPRS…

Is it right if I do that?

Thanks again!

The short answer is no. A ground plane isn’t a brick wall to RF signals (especially on a 2 layer board, it’s not even really a plane - it just fills the gaps between the traces). The fibreglass that makes up the bulk of the PCB acts like a capacitor at GPS/GSM frequencies - that’s why most antennas call for a ‘50 ohm microstrip’ where the ohms measures complex impedance, not resistance.

Ok then, I’ll place them separately… Thanks for the information…

I’ll place one next to the other and I guess that I’ll be in the same layer

What GSM/GPRS module are you using in this project?

Hi, rcarvajal, I’m using the SIM340DZ… Actually, I’m planning to…

I have used SIM200 and SIM340, now I want to use the other module because it is easier to mount

Thanks for sharing that info.

Could i ask you too about where to shop this modules, a direct dealer? are this modules available in small quantities? I can’t find this on arrow, mouser nor digikey.

Thanks again and good luck.

Hello again rcarvajal!

I see you are from Chile, so… porque no hablamos español? jeje

Yo los consigo a travez de la empresa donde trabajo, y ellos se los compran a CIKA No sabría decirte el precio del SIM340DZ, se que el SIM340 sale alrededor de 70 dolares, y el DZ es un poquito mas caro, pero no se bien cuanto xq todavia no lo compre…

No conozco de otro distribuido o empresa que los venda… Esta es la pagina del fabricante, tal vez la puedas conseguir a traves de ellos… No se que si tendran cantidades minimas…

Respecto a CIKA, no utilices su buscador, porque no lo actualizan desde el 2004, mejor envia un mail y pregunta… Supongo que manejan cantidades pequeñas.

Espero haber contestado tu pregunta… De todos modos, te sugiero que crees un nuevo tema en el foro y ahi preguntes por lo mismo, porque la gente de aca es muy buena onda, y de seguro sabran responderte… Y de paso no se mezclan los temas… Cualquier duda avisame, por aca o mandame un mensaje privado

Hasta pronto y suerte!