I’ve been working on some basic aerial telemetry to/from a UAV and today we did our first flights with the UM96 RF modems onboard.
Although these things are claimed to have 500m of range, we went out to 1Km and they were still going strong – and that’s with the tiny whips that come standard with them.
When our schedule allows I’ll try to find the ultimate range, then we’ll throw a patch aerials on the receiver and see how much further we can get.
Do you have the schematic for connecting the UM96 module? Because I have trouble getting it work properly so I thought it would be a good idea to compare your schematic with my mine in order to spot any mistake.
Sure, what are you trying to connect it to? I’ve got one hooked up to a regular RS232 port and another connected to a GPS receiver operating at TTL levels so that covers most options.