Hi there. I have read all docs about the Spectral UV Sensor - AS7331 (Qwiic), which seems to be perfectly able to do its job at measuring the amount of residual UVC power from the source, after passing an O3 flow. The library is also clear, however I am not clear how I phisically connect the 4 wires of the Qwiic board to my Arduino UNO R3, which will be controlling the full O3 generator. Can you please clarify which pin of the QWIIC Board goes to which pin of Arduino? Apologies if that that’s been already answered somewhere else. Thanks!
That sensor uses i2c; wire similar to this (be sure to use 3.3v, not 5v to power the sensor)
using this adapter cable Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper (4-pin) - PRT-14425 - SparkFun Electronics
(You could also solder wires to the holes on the sensor directly: SDA, SCL, 3v3, GND, and string them to the R3)
Then start here Software Setup - SparkFun Spectral UV Sensor - AS7331 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide
Got it, thanks a lot!
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