has anyone ever had the H-JTAG just stop working?

I was using the H-JTAG Server with the wiggler and the LPC2138 header-board. I had set nTRST to Pin6 and unchecked “nTRST output inverted”. Everything was working, and I’ve successfully loaded multiple programs to flash.

Yesterday I unplugged my laptop from the LPT port, sat back programming, and when I put the laptop back on the table and replugged the lpt port wiggler in, H-JTAG server will no longer connect!

Is there some software setting that could have gotten messed up? Or do you think that I have fried a pin on the header board / MCU?

I’m considering trying to use the Sill boot-loader through serial? The last programmed program is still outputting correctly to the serial port, so at least the whole board is not dead…


btw, the H-JTAG LPT port test fails… I’m not sure if it failed or not when everything worked?

Thanks for any advice,

Probably a hardware problem. Try using a different PC and different target board.


Alright, I guess I did fry the JTAG port somehow. I don’t need it for debugging, so is there any reason I shouldn’t just setup a bootloader through the serial as opposed to buying another board to continue to use the JTAG port via H-JTAG?

If I do go that route, what do you suggest… Sill, the Philips Flash Utility, or something else? All I need to do is load a .hex into flash.



Here is the link for the Flash Magic Tool. It works great for me. http://www.flashmagictool.com/


Wow, FlashMagic works well! Thanks for the help.