Help finding / making daughterboard footprints

Hey everyone,

I’m working on a pcb design based of a point-to-point circuit. The original circuit has two daughter boards:

SparkFun GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning Breakout - ZED-F9R


SparkFun 6DoF IMU Breakout - LSM6DSV16X

The issue I’m having is, in my schematic-pcb software (kicad/easyeda), and on the internet in general, I’m unable to find a footprint/schematic for these two boards to plop down on my main pcb. Anyone have an idea where I can find the footprints for these board, or any references to making footprints from scratch?


Click on the ‘documents’ tab of their product pages and there are “eagle files” you can download

Thanks for the reply, I saw the downloadable eagle files, but the ones I saw were for the full board, not a foot print to be used as a daughter board. Is there an easy way to convert the full board to just its footprint and pcb symbol?