[HELP] ICS40180 Seems not picking any signal

Hi, I build the Mems Microphone ICS40180 but I have some issues. I tested continuity with all smd components and they are ok. I measured voltage on the A0 pin is around 1.65-1.7v but after uploaded the sketch:

  Simple Example Sketch for the SparkFun MEMS Microphone Breakout Board


// Connect the MEMS AUD output to the Arduino A0 pin
int mic = A0;

// Variable to hold analog values from mic
int micOut;

void setup() {


void loop() {
  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  micOut = analogRead(mic);

  // print out the value you read:


on the serial monitor I have values around 350 and If I snap, clap, or speak doens’t change anything. I measured with oscilloscope and seems like doesnt’ capture any signal… I attached some images here on the post. Any help to troubleshooting? Thanks in advance!

I think I find the problem. I didn’t buy the sparkfun kit I just got each single parts and the issue is the microphone. I replaced it and it worked well. Usually I do smd soldering, but MEMS soldering with hot air station is not easy, I need a sort of hot plate for this kind of soldering