Help me with a Purchase decision: the RTK rover


I am going to do a geoexploration trip to the north of Canada soon for setting up seismometer. And I found out that Sparkfun sells RTK Rovers. (I am not a geologist I’m just a intern/helper who got assigned the task for finding a product that can work for my boss)

However, there are a lot of versions, and I would like to know what would be for my usage case.

I have no experience with mechanical engineer, embedded systems and whatsoever, so a most “layperson” setup would be most appreciated.

What would be preferable would be to have the most “precise” setup as much as possible. Since I will be going to the mountains + forest, a product that is least affected by interference would be most appreciated.

So there is this L-Band version of the Rover:

However, it does not seem to support Canada. Does that mean that even if I buy it, I will not be activate the ultra precision features?

So does it mean that my only option is to buy this version, and 2 of them to setup a base for increased precision?

And how would it compare to these DIY community made solutions? (I’d be willing to learn, if the level of the project is doable even for an absolute noob like me)