HELP! Need Olimex Jtag Bootloader


I have the Olimex AVR JTAG-L device and after attempting to do an upgrade using the latest AVR STUDIO application, it was no longer recognized by AVR STUDIO.

Following the instructions on the Olimex website for reviving this part did not work. I am able to communicate with the ATMEGA16L (on the JTAG device) using PonyProg 2000 but that’s all I am able to do at this point.

I should be able to revive this part if I have the AVR JTAG-L bootloader image to download via PonyProg 2000.

I have already sent Olimex an email requested for this (sent via non-web email account) but have gotten no reply.

I would appreciate any feedback from others with similar experiences and possible solutions.

Also, I think it would be very helpful if Olimex added a support section to thier web page and posted content there that would be helpful to the users of thier products.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


you can’t erase the bootloader by normal upgrade process, you can do this only if you opened the JTAG and with pony prog or other software you did complete chip erase

The bootloader is not available for free distribution

