help : wireless transfer image to pc

hi,i n student that want to do the final year project. My title is wireless transfer image to PC. At here,i want to used the CMU Cam3 for take or snap the picture and save to the memory card. Then, i used eye-fi memory card (memory card that can transfer wireless). I want to ask is’ it possible this method can success or not. If cannot, do have any other method for design this project. I m newbie in this wireless. So sorry for ask about this question.


I have previously done wireless video transfer to a PC, it’s not too hard if you have the right equipment.

Your method, saving an image to an SD card, and then transferring this file will probably work but is not the easiest, and may be difficult if you want a live video stream.

I would recommend an analog video camera (the kind with RCA outputs), a 2.4 or 5.8 GHz wireless video transmitter and receiver pair, and a USB analog video frame grabber. Try here for the transmitter/receiver: … ckt2k19ah2

and look around online for a product known as “EasyCap,” which will turn an analog video signal into a defacto webcam on your PC. From there you can code up your own software to access the webcam interface and grab frames.

Thx for reply…For now, actually my project only need to design for send the picture only…no need send the video. Btw, what mean with not easy to work for my metod. TQ…