Help with using an AVR programmer to modify firmware


I just bought a pocket AVR programmer and I’m trying to figure out how to wire it to the Serial Controlled Motor Driver … ts_id=9825 … ts_id=9571

using the broken out pins of the Atmega 328P chip so that I can make changes to the firmware.

The broken out pins on the motor driver are GND, 5V, ADC 7, ADC 6 PC 5, PC 4. Which pins correspond to the Programmer?

Any ideas?


From the atmega328 datasheet on page 2:

Pin 29 RST

Pin 15 MOSI

Pin 16 MISO

Pin 17 SCLK

You will also need to tie your programmer to VCC and GND, but you can do that anywhere in your circuit, they just have to be the same source. The 6 holes on the board in a 2x3 are an ISP header.

The six broken out pins are the only ones I can use to modify the chip, maybe the Rx and Tx lines too? I don’t know which pins on the avr programmer correspond to the ones on the motor driver. I know what they are labeled but I don’t know which ones go to which

You need to solder a 6 pin (2 rows of 3) header in the empty holes in the middle bottom of picture 2 on the product page. Then plug the 6-pin connector from the programmer onto the header. Pin one has the extra line on the silkscreen; it is next to the diodes, closest to the L298 chip.
