Heloo all I have a question, maybe some none could help me i’ve bought this Ardumoto and an other shield, the Joystick Shield http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9895 , this one but not the retail version.
My question is:
Can use them both at once on my Duemilanove??
(You probably want to use more descriptive titles)
If the two shields don’t use any of the same pins, you can use them together. If they both use the same pin, you can rewire it on one of the shields. If you can rewire it, they won’t work.
thei bouth use de D3 pin PWM
the ardumoto uses Digital pin 13; 12; 11; 3; and 3.3V; 5V Vin
the joystick uses Digital pins 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; Analog 0; 1; and 5V; 3.3V; and reset
the Digital pin 3 from the joystick is from one of the push butons, or that is what Eagle schematisc shows
Well, since the buttons on the shield are normally open, you could just not use that button, or you could cut the pin/trace on the joystick shield and solder a wire to the button leg and to another pin.