How do I get started if I want to avoid Arduino?


I’m a CS student starting my learning path for embedded. While doing my research on where to begin everywhere Arduino is the most praised beginner tool. While I don’t have a problem with this, I would like to begin like developers would have 10 years ago - without arduino. I don’t want the luxury of Arduino IDE or a microcontroller like Uno.

In contrast I would more prefer learning something like RISC-V, ARM, x86, 8051 etc. For this approach where would I begin? Which chip would be best that is well documented?

Thank you.

Arduino has been around for ~15 years, so using one might very well suit your purposes…instead of using the Arduino IDE, you could use something more foundational, like AVR Studio to program the board.

Perhaps speak with your advisor on which path might yield the most fruit for your degree/education, and see what they have to say?

Don’t confuse hardware (type of processor) with programming languages or program development tools.

The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a simplified and rather limited set of program development tools based on the C/C++ programming language. It was developed originally to program the first Arduino boards, which were based on AVR microprocessors made by Atmel.

Since then different versions of the Arduino IDE have been created to work on many different types of microprocessors.


I’m a CS student starting my learning path for embedded. While doing my research on where to begin everywhere Arduino is the most praised beginner tool. While I don’t have a problem with this, I would like to begin like developers would have 10 years ago - without arduino. I don’t want the luxury of Arduino IDE or a microcontroller like Uno.

In contrast I would more prefer learning something like RISC-V, ARM, x86, 8051 etc. For this approach where would I begin? Which chip would be best that is well documented?

Thank you.

I have my B.EE from 1996. We learned to design on all platforms. You won’t know what your next job will require you to use. I have 9 Ardiunos from UNO, Mega, Wifi and a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB with Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit on it. I can program in assembler, python, C# and other languages. I understand logic tables and coding methods. The Arduino devices just interface you to many components like shift registers, resistor arrays, MUX, A-D, etc. You can buy from Digikey many other micro processors to use. The micro controller is just the brains that control everything. I did a project that used 16 Dip Switches, a pair of SN74HC165 shift registers, a pair of SN74HC595 shift registers and 16 LEDs. I can turn on each LED with a dip switch. I all sorts of sensors, displays, and other components that I can interface with. I enabled the I2C bus and can connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino together. It is far easier to build a robot with an Arduino than the one we built from scratch with a micro processor in assembly.

I learned C back in the 1990s. I wanted to do a project for my daughter’s web page in C. I found my wife’s C# books and put on Visual Studio. Everything I had to setup manually in 1990s was done for me in C#. Took me 2 weeks to learn C# and build some awesome projects. Think of the Arduino as a new and improved tool. has my projects on it.