Hey, Like posted in the title. I am extremely new to everything related to arduino and i was just curious to which programming language is the best to learn for use on the arduino.
[Arduino Programming Language of course!
Also take a look at the tutorials on the Arduino site. There are lots of code examples there to get you started: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage
-Bill](Arduino - Home)
Does other languages work with it? Such as C++?
The heart of a typical Arduino is an Atmel AVR microcontroller which is well supported by a number of different compilers and interpreted languages.
Going this route takes you outside the Arduino development environment which would require you to have an AVR programmer and use an IDE like AVR Studio.
So, You obviously recommend using the Arduino language.
I know nothing about any programming language so im probably going to take your advice. =]
For someone like you that is new to the world of engineering and programming, I would stay within the Arduino development environment while getting started. It’s designed to accessible by lay-people and there is a very strong community that supports it. Your efforts won’t be wasted if you plan to move on to bigger and better things because the Arduino language is very similar to C.
Thank you, You have been helpful.
Is there a star or rating system i can give you a review on? =]
if so, thumbs up/5*/Preferred/Found helpful.
Haha thanks again!
No problem and good luck with your adventures in embedded design!
There isn’t a rating system here but my ego appreciates your compliments!