Obviously new to this forum. I am 70 I’ve been in electronics since 17. I have a copy of VS2019 and am reasonable proficient in C#. C++ has baffled me every time I’ve crossed my eyes at it. I have done some Python with QT 4.5 but, all that has fled my brain. (Three Heart Attacks and at least one micro stroke. so while the basics are there it’s like relearning from scratch in many ways.)
I’ve done hardware design, schematics and PCB layout.
What do I need to do, get, buy to get started?
My goal is to build a device to take control of the bus on my Timex-Sinclair TS2068 allowing bi-directional DMA without scrambling the dynamic memory (I’ve got to keep it refreshed).
At a minimum I’ll need the equivalent pin out of the old PC Parallel Port. Though it would be nice not to have to register the 16 Address and 8 Data lines.
I think the biggest question I really need answering is how hard is it going to be to transition from C# GUI to Arduino.