How to calculate output voltage of TAL221


I have purchased TAL221 sensor for 500g

I like to understand what is the output voltage per 1g, if connecting 5VDC and if connecting +/-12VDC

Thanks a lot


You’re going to have to measure the output under load for at least two different loads then graph the results to be able to calculate voltage out at a particular load.

The website below might be helpful.

Here’s the datasheet for the load cell:

The Top Line spec, Rated Output, is the one you’re after. For the 500 gram cell, the rated output is 0.7 mV/V, millivolts per volt. At the cell’s rated load capacity, the signal voltage is Vexcitation * [mV/V]. So for 5 volts of excitation, you’d get 3.5 millivolts when the load cell is fully loaded.

Assuming your loading apparatus is mechanically suitable, the load cell’s output is proportional to the load. Since the max capacity output is 3.5 mV, you could expect 1.75 mV at half capacity, 0.35 mV at 10% capacity, etc. Each gram changes the output (3.5 mV / 500) = 0.007 mV.

Multiply these output figures by 2.4 if using 12 volts instead of 5.

Thanks for the super clear answer guys.