At the higher rates one of the issues I see is that the list of “preferred” rates in the different softwares and drivers isn’t entirely consistent.
Frequently the bandwidth limits on the RS232 side came from the level converters, the most effective of those topped out below 1Mbps, and those with less performance/capacitance substantially below that. Now it does appear like a lot of the USB-to-CMOS Serial adapters also have lower limits than one might reasonably imagine, and whether that’s a function of lower power, or self clocking and rate accuracy, I don’t know, but the datasheets for assorted parts were all over the map when it comes to supported rates. On the uBlox side the rates are very flexible, not a fixed set of supported dividers, so on an MCU to receiver basis you should be able to use anything that takes your fancy up to several Mbps. Although the integrity of async serial is not fantastic. For high rates I’d use 2 stop bits to allow for quicker recovery. The receiver can also fire-hose out data using DMA, so the MCU needs to be ready and capable of sinking the data, and buffering independently of the parsing, so that doesn’t create it’s own bubbles in the pipeline.
Edit: Ok so Discourse allows for longer term edits, so I’ll add here
So with a Beitian BM-610, an M10 based G-Mouse, with a Prolific PL2303SA, which only supports rates up to 115200. So at the WIN32 API level it reports an error to set higher speeds, so for example 460800 and 921600 are offered in many apps, but are not successful when attempted, where as the receiver will accept and move to much higher, non-magic/preferred, baud rates.
On the uBlox side perhaps use the 0x40520001 CFG-UART1-BAUDRATE (RAM) setting via “Generation 9 Configuration View” or UBX-CFG-VALSET on uCenter Classic, so a power cycle recovers the receiver, avoiding the SAFEBOOT and UBX-CFG-CFG settings clearance.
The EVK-M101 has an RS232 connection spliced with a port off an FTDI QUAD UART, here I was able to configure the M10 and the USB COM port to 2000000 baud (2Mbaud), and was usable in uCenter Classic via custom baud settings. Now I wouldn’t anticipate the RS232 being viable.
CH340C should support 1Mbaud, per mickh and perhaps 1.5Mbaud and 2Mbaud, if borderline, perhaps try 8N2