how to set loadcell at rest to 0

I have a loadcell amp with a rotary pot to change the sensitivity for my simracing brake pedal.

It is running through a LeoBodnar interface to allow SW setting of min and max range to the game.

But if I try to change the sensitivity in-game via the pot it also raises the minimum signal and means my brakes are always on.

Is there a way to set the minimum amount to 0 (or any stable number really) so that it doesn’t change when you change the loadcell amp pot ?

Can I replace the LeoBodnar interface (which I am guessing is probably an arduino board or similar) with an arduino with different code ?

Or can it be done with hardware maybe 2 pots to control min and max ?


There must be some way, probably in the software but perhaps with a pot/resistor, to configure the no-load characteristic of the load cell. It’s sometimes called zero, deadload, preload, fixture load.

However, if you can’t find a way to do that, you could trim the signal down (or up) with some resistors across the load cell bridge.

I have tried with a second pot but both pots affected the no-load and max load so it didn’t work. I may not have had it wired up properly so if you have any knowledge or diagrams of how to do it I am all ears :slight_smile:

If I could get the no-load to be absolute zero (or very very near to it) then adjusting the max load with the existing pot wouldn’t have as big an effect on the no-load amplification. IOW if no-load was say just 1 or 2 then amplifying it by 10 to make it 10-20 wouldn’t matter as I could set minimum register in the software to 20. But I guess that would also reduce the max signal output s woldn’t actually achieve anything ??

Again any diagrams or advice on how to achieve that would be great.

Just for some more info, currently I have the pot set to minimum amplification so the pedal needs a lot of pressure to reach max output. On a scale of 0-1024 the no-load is 145 and max is 650. If I adjust the pot so the pedal is “softer” and can reach 1024, the no-load signal is amplified to about 300, which with the zero point in software remaining at 145 means I have 30% braking at no-load. I can easily adjust this in software but I race in VR and was looking for a way to do it with an easily reached pot mid-race.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Just for some more info, currently I have the pot set to minimum amplification so the pedal needs a lot of pressure to reach max output. On a scale of 0-1024 the no-load is 145 and max is 650. If I adjust the pot so the pedal is “softer” and can reach 1024, the no-load signal is amplified to about 300, which with the zero point in software remaining at 145 means I have 30% braking at no-load. I can easily adjust this in software but I race in VR and was looking for a way to do it with an easily reached pot mid-race.

I don't understand what you can and cannot change in your software.

I’d expect there to be a way to calibrate the pedal, first unloaded, then at some known load.

It probably won’t be a potentiometer adjustment.

LBPPS.jpgSoftware is basically just a start and end point for the brake input into the game.

Scale is 0-1024. When load cell is at rest the output is 145, so i set the software to minimum input of 145 so as soon as you touch the brake it registers in game. I could set this to say 300 so it doesn’t register until you have a certain amount of pedal pressure (deadzone).

At the other end when I have the pot turned down so there isn;t as much amplification the max output of the loadcell with my absolute max leg pressure on the pedal is about 700. So that is where I set max input in the game for 100% brake activation.

The problem is that some cars react differently with different settings. So F1 cars I need that 145-700 range. Road cars need a softer pedal feel so I either need to adjust the software max down to 450 (less pedal pressure to reach that number) but I have to remember to do that before I start racing and sometimes I wnat to adjust it midrace too. Which in VR is impossible to do.

I can also adjust the sensitivity by the pot so reaching 700 is much easier but this means the bottom input of 145 now has a value of 300 which means I have 25% braking with no pedal pressure :frowning:

First world problem really but was just hoping somebody new a first world solution :slight_smile:

First world problem really but was just hoping somebody new a first world solution :slight_smile:

You have good options.

Determine whether you can calibrate it in the software, then perform that calibration.

Trim down the signal with some bridge resistors.