I am testig the HX711 Sparkfun Board (v11) and get some strange results. I use an esp32-s3-wroom-1u Dev baord to communicate with the hx711. I have no Loadcells connected, just the digital interface and Vdd = 3.3V and Vcc = 5.0 V.
I use channel A with GAIN = 64.
When I the hx711 is powered-up channel A reads around 5000 and drifts over 15-20 sec until it reaches somewhat about -500 to -1000. Then it stays there more or less. Sometimes it starts around 8000 and runs down to -2000. Then, after some minutes it suddenly drops down to 400, is stable for some time, and then drifts again to -2000…
When I connect a floating cable on 1 or 2 pins of channel B and start the system, channel A reads directly values around 450 and is stable. No changes after 10-20 minutes.
Has anyone an explanation for that behaviour?
I also tested to short channel B+ to channel B- with a jumper, but I got the same problem. Then I tried to short channel B+ to channel B- with a cable and the Problem is gone.
The problem also exists when I change the channels. So I read channel B and have a floating cable on channel A, everything is fine. I test without the cable and there is the problem again.
What is happening there? I am really really confused…What influence has channel B on channel A?
I hope somebody can guide me in the right direction…