I got some 328Ps from Adafruit with the bootloader already present on them, and I’m trying to move a sketch from my Uno to a breadboard (the code is nearly done, it wants a box to live in…)
I’ve got the following:
7805 (with a 22uf across output and ground, and a 10nf across input and ground) - 7805 Out goes to pins 7, 20, and 21 on the 328.
GND from 7805 (and PS gnd) goes to 8 and 22 on the 328.
16MHz crystal across 9 and 10, with 22nf caps going from the legs of the crystal to GND.
LED with pulldown on D13 (pin 19).
10K pullup on RST
I don’t think I’m forgetting anything.
When I power it up, I get BIP BIP BIP three fast flashes (500msec? 250msec?) with a short pause between flashes.
The flashes are fast enough that it’s hard to count, sometimes it’s two flashes, but I’m pretty sure it’s three.
No magic smoke.
When I ground RESET, and let it re-assert to 4.99V, I get the three flashes again, then eerie, non-flashy-equivalent of silence from the Atmega.
I’ve posted much this same message on Adafruit’s fora, but the replies have been unhelpful.
Any suggestions?
I built a USBTinyISP but have no way of knowing if it works.
I bought an FTDI cable from Adafruit, and the FTDI BO box from here.
Again, no way of knowing if they work.