SFE TS the Python module needs fixed so scaled reading can be read from the sensor. Example code is also needed.

It would be nice if SFE had python example code for setting the DLPFs and how to turn them on. I did get it worked out but have no idea what the settings means and find no info on it.

So if anyone can translate the numbers and letters into words and explain when to use the different settings it would not only help me but I bet others as well. At the moment I am using Python but the same info should also apply Arduino code.


The “a” ones are accel for each axis, “g” is gyro for the same, “m” magnetometer

You can request changes/more examples here https://github.com/sparkfun/Qwiic_9DoF_ … _Py/issues where the engineer assigned to the library will be able to see it :wink: