ID-12LA with Redboard - SparkFun RFID Starter Kit

We have the SparkFun RFID Starter Kit. Works great with the cards provided. However, the cards we have (ValuProx 125kHz ISO ) do not work with it. Here are the cards specs.

33-bit format / 125kHz proximity / ISO 7810 compliant / CR80 30Mil (standard credit card size)

States they work with HID or AWID card readers. Any suggestion on what we can do to read these cards?

The reader isn’t compatible with your cards. You can find the operating specs in the [datasheet on page 4. You’ll have to find a reader that is compatible with your cards and our board, if you still want to use our system.](,%20ID-12LA,%20ID-20LA2013-4-10.pdf)

Hello tagging in on this conversation. When we first received the RFID starter kit the device would read our tags, however it was providing an incorrect RFID tag. Our supply was suspecting that it was not reading the 35 bit wiegand but rater a 26 bit. Well today we are getting zero response from the device and would like to understand why that is. Any help would be great, thank you.