Images/Pictures on PCBs

Does anyone know how to add pictures or images to a PCB in Protel? I know that you need conversion software to conver from the BMP to some sort of line art. But despite my best searching efforts, I have been unable to find anything.


Where are you guys getting Protell? Doesn’t it cost like several thousand dollars?

My school has it. So even though I have graduated, they still let me come in and use it.

I am attempting to convince my employer to go Protel, but the truth is, they prefer Mentor/Cadence products. Try purchasing a seat license for one of those two.

Does anyone know how to add pictures or images to a PCB in Protel? I know that you need conversion software to conver from the BMP to some sort of line art. But despite my best searching efforts, I have been unable to find anything.


It’s very easy with the Pulsonix software I use. :smiley:


Nice. I see you ride an '03 SV1K. I ride an '03 SV650. Mine is blue. Yours?

Does anyone know how to add pictures or images to a PCB…

If you can load Gerber files back into your PCB software, that would be a method to get them in.

Just remember it will have to be Monochrome (Black/White) with low res detail. Line drawings tend to work best.

I’d be happy to generate a Gerber for you, if you would like to E-mail me privately.

I use Vutrax which includes a BMP importer, as well as being able to import Gerbers and DXF files.

Do you know of any free software that will produce the gerbers or line are from a bitmap? That’s what I’m after. I found one but it doesn’t produce very good line art.

Do you know of any free software that will produce the gerbers or line are from a bitmap? That’s what I’m after. I found one but it doesn’t produce very good line art.

The free version of Vutrax (it has a limit of 255 pins, but we are not dealing with pins so not a problem here), has the “Bitmap to Vutrax” module included. Once you have got your graphics in then you can output it to a Gerber. Like all the major CAD packages there is a learning curve to produce what you want, hence my offer to do one for you. I could then write up the stages involved and let you (and anyone else interested) know the stages involved to produce what you are after.

Just found a converter for PADS here :- … php?t=2246

Perhapes someone else here knows one for your CAD package.

Nice. I see you ride an '03 SV1K. I ride an '03 SV650. Mine is blue. Yours?

Mine is blue, as well. I spent the afternoon yesterday cleaning all the gunge out from around the front sprocket.

I started it up and noticed that there is a slight leak from the rear exhaust gasket, I’ll try slackening it off and retightening it.
