Info on how to plot GPS route

I have been searching on line on the best way to plot a route with GPS data. All I have found is progs that will overlay them a Google, etc map.

I am interested in writing a program to display the Kinetamap data .

Any suggestions are appreciated.


I have been searching on line on the best way to plot a route with GPS data. All I have found is progs that will overlay them a Google, etc map.

I am interested in writing a program to display the Kinetamap data .

Any suggestions are appreciated.


What languages/operating systems do you use? The technique I use is to plot points on an existing bit map image. I usually get bit maps from screen dumps of Google Earth. So I can get a map or satellite image or a combination of the two. Then you have to scale the bit map to your GPS scale. I use the “thumb tacks” in Google Earth to get latitude and longitude. Then I have a step in my program that scales screen coordinates to the GPS coordinates. Then it is just a matter of scaling your data and plotting it to the screen.

I wrote a python script (a very messy one…) that takes KinetaMap data and plots the route in Google Earth. It also puts placemarks at points where the acceleration values have breached a certain threshold.

The script assumes you are using version 1.1 or earlier firmware. If you used a later firmware version, than you’ll have to remove the ‘toG’ function from the main routine.

Let me know if you want help getting this to work:

# Link to Google Earth Placemark:

import sys
import math


#Radius of the Earth in Feet (This can be changed to any unit to have the 'getDistance' function return the distance in the given unit

def GPStoDec(coordinate, direction):
	if direction != 'N' and direction != 'S' and direction !='E' and direction != 'W': return 0
	if (len(str(test_list[0])) < 4):return 0
	if (coordinate.count('.') <= 1) and str(test_list[0]).isdigit():
		if direction == 'S':
		if direction == 'W':
		return Decimal
	else: return 0
def getBitValue(n, p):    
	return (n >> p) & 1	
def getDistance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2):
	#Make sure we actually received values
	#if (lat1==0) or (lat2==0) or (long1==0) or (long2==0):return 0
	#Convert the Coordinates to Radians (from degrees)
	long1 = math.radians(long1)
	lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
	long2 = math.radians(long2)
	#Calculate the distance between the two points
	A = math.sin(dlat/2)**2 + math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lat2)*math.sin(dlong/2)**2
	C = 2*math.atan2(math.sqrt(A), math.sqrt(1-A))
	return Radius*C
def toG(value):
	#Check to see if the value is a negative number. If it it, get the two's compliment
	if(getBitValue(value, 7)):
		if(getBitValue(value, 6)):acceleration+=pow(2,6)
		if(getBitValue(value, 5)):acceleration+=pow(2,5)
		if(getBitValue(value, 4)):acceleration+=pow(2,4)
		if(getBitValue(value, 3)):acceleration+=pow(2,3)
		if(getBitValue(value, 2)):acceleration+=pow(2,2)
		if(getBitValue(value, 1)):acceleration+=pow(2,1)
		if(getBitValue(value, 0)):acceleration+=pow(2,0)
		return float(acceleration)*18/1000	#Convert to G's
	else: return float(value)*18/1000	#Convert to Gs
def putCustomPlacemark(Handle, Name, Lat, Long, X, Y, Z):
	if (abs(float(X)) < 0.66) and (abs(float(Y)) < 0.66) and (abs(float(Z)) < 0.66):Handle.write("\t\t<styleUrl>#Green Dot</styleUrl>\n")
	elif (abs(float(X)) < 1.33) and (abs(float(Y)) < 1.33) and (abs(float(Z)) < 1.33):Handle.write("\t\t<styleUrl>#Yellow Dot</styleUrl>\n")
	else:Handle.write("\t\t<styleUrl>#Red Dot</styleUrl>\n")
	Handle.write("\t\t\t<Data name=\"X Acceleration\">\n")
	Handle.write("\t\t\t<Data name=\"Y Acceleration\">\n")
	Handle.write("\t\t\t<Data name=\"Z Acceleration\">\n")

def main(): 
	#Define the line offset positions of the values in the input file
	time_offset=0; x_offset=1; y_offset=2; z_offset=3; batt_offset=4; latitude=6; lat_dir=7; longitude=8; long_dir=9;
	#Keep track of last plotted placemark position
	old_lat=0; old_long=0; distance=0;
	current_lat=0; current_long=0;
	#Runnning tallie of acceleration values
	xMax=0; yMax=0; zMax=0;
	#Get the input file to retrieve the KinetaMap Data from
	f = open(sys.argv[1])
	#Create the filename for the KML output file. Use the filename of the input file and just change the extension to .kml
	#Open the kml file to write to
	fo=open(kml_filename, "w")
	#Write the KML File Header
	fo.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
	fo.write("<kml xmlns=\"\">\n")
	fo.write("\t<name>KinetaMap Path</name>\n")
	fo.write("\t<description>Manual Conversion of a GPS Coordinate (DDMM.MMMM) to Decimal</description>\n")
	#Create Icon Styles
	fo.write("\t<Style id=\"Red Dot\">\n")
	fo.write("\t<Style id=\"Green Dot\">\n")
	fo.write("\t<Style id=\"Yellow Dot\">\n")
	#Go through each line of the input file
	for line in f.xreadlines():
		#Seperate each value in the line of data into a list
		line_list=line.strip('\n').split(',')	#Create a list of the elements in the line of data
		#Check to see if there was any data in this line received from the input file
		if(len(line_list) > 1):
			#Keep track of the maximum acceleration					
			if line_list[x_offset].isdigit() and abs(toG(int(line_list[x_offset]))) > abs(xMax):
				print str(line_list[time_offset]) + "  Bin X=" + str(line_list[x_offset]) + "  G=" + str(xMax)
			if line_list[y_offset].isdigit() and abs(toG(int(line_list[y_offset]))) > abs(yMax):
				print str(line_list[time_offset]) + "  Bin Y=" + str(line_list[y_offset])+ "  G=" + str(yMax)
			if line_list[z_offset].isdigit() and abs(toG(int(line_list[z_offset]))) > abs(zMax):
				print str(line_list[time_offset]) + "  Bin Z=" + str(line_list[z_offset])+ "  G=" + str(zMax)
			#If there is GPS data is this line of data then we need to analyze the coordinates and the current acceleration values
			#if (len(line_list[longitude]) > 0)  and (len(line_list[latitude]) > 0) and ((line_list[lat_dir]=='N') or (line_list[lat_dir]=='S')) and ((line_list[long_dir]=='W') or (line_list[long_dir]=='E')):
			current_lat=GPStoDec(line_list[latitude], line_list[lat_dir])
			current_long=GPStoDec(line_list[longitude], line_list[long_dir])
			if (current_lat != 0) and (current_long !=0):
				#Copy the GPS coordinates to a seperate list in Degree Format. This list will be used to create the KML Path
				#Find the distance between the last 'logged' placemark and the current position
				distance=getDistance(old_lat, old_long, current_lat, current_long)
				#Check to see if we have a acceleration that vioates the threshold, and see if we've traveled far enough to plot a new point
				if ((abs(xMax) > G_thresh) or (abs(yMax) > G_thresh) or (abs(zMax) > G_thresh)) and (distance > Distance_thresh):
					#print "Time: " + str(line_list[time_offset]) + "  X="+str(round(xMax,2)) +"  Y=" + str(round(yMax,2)) + "  Z=" + str(round(zMax,2)) + "  Distance: " + str(round(distance,2))
					putCustomPlacemark(fo, line_list[time_offset], current_lat, current_long, xMax, yMax, zMax)
					old_lat=GPStoDec(line_list[latitude], line_list[lat_dir])
					old_long=GPStoDec(line_list[longitude], line_list[long_dir])				
				#Reset the Max Acceleration Values every time we get a new GPS Position. Max Values are just keeping track of the maximum acceleration values for each GPS point
	#Overlay the path onto the placemarks
	for item in coordinate_list:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Sorry I been busy I forgot I started this post.

I would like to write a standalon progam in VB to plot a route and then display the Accelerometer data. This is very similar to the Iphone apps out there that display the route, speed, position, etc…

I know there are products out there for auto racing that do this, but I thought it would be a good project to use the kinetamap and build it up.

I can plot the route in Excel with some bugs, but I need to figure out how to expand and retract each GPS location on the plot for a graphical representation of G’s measured.

I thougth there would be tons of information on the net, but it has been hard to find anything.

thanks for the responses.

I would like to write a standalon progam in VB to plot a route and then display the Accelerometer data.

I will try to write up a tutorial later today on how I plot paths on images. I use VB 6.0. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time. This is a good reason. :wink:


I would like to write a standalon progam in VB to plot a route and then display the Accelerometer data.

I will try to write up a tutorial later today on how I plot paths on images. I use VB 6.0. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time. This is a good reason. :wink:

Eeek!! VB6!!! I didn’t know people still used that :shock:

Have a look at WPF/VB.NET (or C Sharp if your feeling adventurous).

It’s much much MUCH simpler to do things like drawing paths/shapes than it ever was in VB6. Best thing is you can download the express edition of VB.NET Visual Studio for free!


I would like to write a standalon progam in VB to plot a route and then display the Accelerometer data.

I will try to write up a tutorial later today on how I plot paths on images. I use VB 6.0. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time. This is a good reason. :wink:

I got my tutorial written up. You can find it here:

It got kind of wordy in some places. And some things may not be explained adequately. But I think it turned out okay for a first attempt.



I would like to write a standalon progam in VB to plot a route and then display the Accelerometer data.

I will try to write up a tutorial later today on how I plot paths on images. I use VB 6.0. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time. This is a good reason. :wink:

Eeek!! VB6!!! I didn’t know people still used that :shock:

Have a look at WPF/VB.NET (or C Sharp if your feeling adventurous).

It’s much much MUCH simpler to do things like drawing paths/shapes than it ever was in VB6. Best thing is you can download the express edition of VB.NET Visual Studio for free!

I had never heard of WPF. When Microsoft totally rewrote Visual Basic and had the nerve to keep the same name, I quit looking at the new stuff. I have Visual Studio .NET but I would have to relearn VB from scratch. So if I use .NET I will go with C#.

When I did a quick search for WPF it had lots of references to presentation and I didn’t see any real graphics stuff. We could all benefit from an example of robot type graphics programming in WPF, if you have time.

Thanks for the tutorial. Looks good.

I had never heard of WPF. When Microsoft totally rewrote Visual Basic and had the nerve to keep the same name, I quit looking at the new stuff. I have Visual Studio .NET but I would have to relearn VB from scratch. So if I use .NET I will go with C#.

When I did a quick search for WPF it had lots of references to presentation and I didn’t see any real graphics stuff. We could all benefit from an example of robot type graphics programming in WPF, if you have time.

The "presentation" is graphics... sort of. I'm not quite sure what you mean by robot type graphics, but this link below has a few interesting things on drawing in WPF.

The big catch/thing to get use to in WPF is in VB6 you drag drop things on your form, in WPF you can drag drop, but the actual form is a XAML file, which is like HTML for winforms.

So you can do things like

----<Line x1="?" x2="?" y1="?" y2="?" />
----<Rectangle width="50" height="10" />
----<Ellipse width="10" height="10" />

Drawing things in VB6, you need to use GDI, which is a lot slower/harder than in WPF.


I had never heard of WPF. When Microsoft totally rewrote Visual Basic and had the nerve to keep the same name, I quit looking at the new stuff. I have Visual Studio .NET but I would have to relearn VB from scratch. So if I use .NET I will go with C#.

When I did a quick search for WPF it had lots of references to presentation and I didn’t see any real graphics stuff. We could all benefit from an example of robot type graphics programming in WPF, if you have time.

The "presentation" is graphics... sort of. I'm not quite sure what you mean by robot type graphics, but this link below has a few interesting things on drawing in WPF.

The big catch/thing to get use to in WPF is in VB6 you drag drop things on your form, in WPF you can drag drop, but the actual form is a XAML file, which is like HTML for winforms.

So you can do things like





Drawing things in VB6, you need to use GDI, which is a lot slower/harder than in WPF.

We are talking about two different things here. (Different worlds.) I don’t have to use GDI in VB 6. (I had to look that one up too.) I am just plotting points on an object. GDI appears to be a bloated layer to create graphics. WPF appears to be a bigger bloated-er way to create graphics.

It does look like WPF could do some really amazing things. But I am just plotting points. I mean “robot graphics” as opposed to presentation graphics. Like creating simple technical drawings and not creating a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Thanks for the suggestion but both GDI and WPF are way more than what I need for what I am trying to do.

WPF appears to be a bigger bloated-er way to create graphics.

That's a big call for someone still using VB6, a language that's 11 years old and has been EOL for 4 years.

Anyway, I wont bother explaining what WPF is, or how it is magnitudes more effective/efficient than WinForms. You seem to be content with how you are doing things at the moment.

Here is something I made the other day, its a program to plot values from an XML source/file into a hodograph. The screenshot below was taken just when I got it working, there has since been quite a bit of styling performed to make it look nice.

This whole thing with gradients, shading, XML prasing, dymanic ranges, is all done in under 100 lines of C#, using mainly WPF’s canvas and point controls, I highly doubt this could be done in VB6 as easily. Add something simple (in WPF) like animation, and it would be nearly impossible in VB6, or a few lines in WPF.

I’m unsure if this is what you mean by “robot graphics”, but its data being plotted for visual representation, so I would say yes.

(I think I may have confused you from the start, at the moment you are using WinForms with VB6, VB6 being the programming language, and Winforms being the presentation layer. WPF is the new winforms, and VB.Net is the new VB. You don’t actually “code” you program in WPF, you “code” the interface/what people see, ie, the presentation, and change that in the runtime with VB.Net/C#)