Update -----
I bought a pump (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051H … UTF8&psc=1) and some float switches and got everything worked out except for the valve system. My current valve system is an absolute mess, which is an understatement. Currently, I have three servos connected to an irrigation valve hub. The servos are connected with the help of hot glue and poster board (picture below) :lol: . Obviously, this is not ideal. Any suggestions for a better valve system?
This actually worked quite well, surprisingly.
[<LINK_TEXT text=“https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3934/154 … 43770c.jpg”>https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3934/15423930359_54a743770c.jpg</LINK_TEXT>[image by [dylan_j_thompson, on Flickr
I’m brand new to this stuff and I am loving it. I would like to build a small indoor irrigation system that will water three plants once an absence of water is detected. However, since I have little knowledge in electronics and what not, I am not exactly sure what equipment I will need. At first I was thinking I would get the Sparkfun solenoid valves (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10456) along with the Sparkfun liquid pump (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10455). However, Sparkfun says that the liquid pump is not compatible with the solenoids because it does not provide enough pressure.
So, can anyone give me an idea as to what equipment and components (hoses, water sensors, and long jumper cables are a given) I should purchase to accomplish this, relatively, simple project? As of now, I have a Sparkfun Inventor’s Kit, so any components that I will need, that are not included in the SIK, should be listed. In addition, I would also need advice on powering this equipment since my knowledge is only limited to the SIK guide. Thank you so much for your time. It really means a lot to me.
I will post a picture of how I envision this working. Please, feel free to provide a better solution. That’s why I am asking! :dance:
[<LINK_TEXT text=“https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3928/152 … c20b_s.jpg”>https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3928/15268744958_4a22cac20b_s.jpg</LINK_TEXT>[irrigation system by [dylan_j_thompson, on Flickr](About Dylan Thompson | Flickr)](irrigation system | Dylan Thompson | Flickr)](irrigation system | Dylan Thompson | Flickr)](About Dylan Thompson | Flickr)](image | Dylan Thompson | Flickr)](image | Dylan Thompson | Flickr)