Is my BatchPCB board soldermask wrong?

I expect to see color covering masked areas. If I go to, I see a solder mask as I expect. (Shown on the right in green.)

When I upload a design to BatchPCB it seems like the inverse of what I expect. The color appears on areas that should not be solder masked. I don’t care that the color is not green. I am concerned that the BatchPBC board will arrive with the solder mask where the color is shown.

Will a BatchPBC board arrive with the solder mask where the color is shown or will a BatchPCB board arrive with solder mask everywhere the color is not shown?

Thanks in advance,


My board from panel 1517 arrived with the correct solder mask. So the upload shows color where the mask is absent.

You actually draw the stopmask, which is where the soldermask will not be applied.