issue with OLIMEX JTAG-TINY orparallel JTAG with MSP430F1232

Hello all,

I’m new to MSP programming and I need some help to debug a MSP430F1232 pretty urgently.

I’m running Windows 2000, the JTAG-TINY is plugged into a USB port and into the JTAG connector of a board with MSP430F1232. I’m using alternatively the parallel JTAG as well.

I installed “IAR Embedded Workbench KickStart for MSP430 V3”. Also installed the Olimex Jtag-Tiny driver, and copied the DLLs (msp430.dll + two others) to the Workbench’s bin folder.

I built the tutorials example.

If I go to Project → Options → FET Debugger in the ide, the “TI USB FET” When using the parallel port, I changed this to LPT1.

But when I want to download the program, I get the following error:

Initializing H/W…

THe debugging session could not be started. Either the debugger initialization failed, or else the fileC:…project1.d43 was corrupt or of an unsuppoted format.

I get the same message, whatver the JTAG I use…

Could someone help me? it 's quite urgent

