MSP430P1611 + MSP430-JTAG-TINY w/ mspgcc = JTAG not working!

UPDATE: Solved. Problem was a defective cable. Leaving my steps here in case anyone ever runs into a similar problem.

I have 2 [MSP430-JTAG-TINY and 3 [MSP430P1611, recently bought from sparkfun. I have reproduced the following problem under both WinXP and Win7.

First I downloaded the latest Olimex drivers ([1.0.35) and the latest mspgcc ([2008-12-30).

Then I installed mspgcc and copied the complete set of Olimex DLL files (5) to the mspgcc\bin folder. That should be it, right? I reboot, for Windows’ sake. I always get this error:

C:\>msp430-jtag --lpt=USB
MSP430 JTAG programmer Version: 2.3
Use -h for help
Reset and release device...

An error occoured:
Could not reset target (no connection?): Could not communicate with FET

Now with the [Olimex Programmer Software 1.21 I get equally bad results. Of course I updated its DLLs with the ones from the update previously listed. Then I run it, select MSP430F1611 from the list, USB port, then hit “read”. It does something, because the LED turns off. But after a while, the program stops with “Cannot reseting device.” (sic).

After attempting to READ with the Olimex Programmer and closing the software, I get this error from msp430-jtag:

An error occoured:
Could not initialize the library (port: USB)

What am I doing wrong? The current driver is quite recent, has anyone else used it? I know I’m not TOO far because GDB seems to work. It identifies the device correctly.

C:\>msp430-gdbproxy --port=1000 msp430 USB

debug: MSP430_Initialize()
debug: MSP430_Configure()
debug: MSP430_VCC(3000)
debug: MSP430_Identify()
info:      msp430: Target device is a 'MSP430F1611' (type 42)
debug: MSP430_Configure()
notice:    msp430-gdbproxy: waiting on TCP port 1000

](](GCC toolchain for MSP430 - Browse Files at](](MSP430-P1611)](MSP430-JTAG-TINY-V2)

FWIW, I don’t have any problems using the MSP430-JTAG-TINY with Rowley CrossWorks and IAR EW.


Well… if anyone ever runs into such an error in the future…

make sure to check if your cable is defective!

Both IAR and MSPGCC work 100% with a new Olimex JTAG-TINY cable.