I recently set a Micro;bit attached to a weather;bit carrier board up on weather balloon to record data. I was planning on recording the data onto an SD card via an Openlog to review after I retrieved the balloon. After looking at the data, I noticed that it stopped about 30 minutes into the flight, and didn’t start up again until 2 hours later. By that time I was 30,000 ft off the ground the outside temp was around 4 degrees C.
After a series of tests (involving my freezer) I found out that the Micro;bit, weather;bit and power supply were all still working regardless of the temp. I even tried several different SD cards, but each time the data stream stopped around -8 degrees C.
Can someone tell me the temp specs of the Openlog? Maybe it is not designed to function in that cold of temperatures. If so, is there a different data logger I could use for my balloon launches? I have recorded temps down to -50 several times, just to give a range.