Issues with running example code

Hey all,

I recently bought an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and I am trying to use it with the M6E Nano and Arduino IDE 2.2.1.

I am running into a few issues that I think might be related.

When I try to verify Example1_Constant_Read.ino, I am getting a compilation error: Compilation error: ‘class SoftwareSerial’ has no member named ‘isListening’

It seems to be indicating the problem is coming from line 111 in the setupNano function:

while (softSerial.isListening() == false); //Wait for port to open

I tried commenting that line out and replacing it with a delay:

  // while (softSerial.isListening() == false); //Wait for port to open

but when the code runs I just get back a failure message in the serial monitor: Module failed to respond. Please check wiring.

I soldered stackable headers and I am using the reader as a shield. I tried double checking everything, but they looked okay in my (novice) eyes. So I am guessing this could potentially be more of a software problem than a physical hardware one. At the very least, it would be nice to get the example code correctly verifying so I can eliminate that as a potential problem.

Has anyone ever run into any similar issues? I tried looking for the missing member error message in the forum search, but no results were found so I am not sure what could be wrong when everything is just new.

Tested the M6E with my library (which is an extended version of the Sparkfun library). Run into some issues but solved those. see … ib_special

Tested the M6E with my library (which is an extended version of the Sparkfun library). Run into some issues but solved those. see … ib_special

Thanks so much, Paul. Both the comments on your repo seemed to have solved the problem for me and I can successfully run the constant read example now.