Hey all,
I recently bought an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and I am trying to use it with the M6E Nano and Arduino IDE 2.2.1.
I am running into a few issues that I think might be related.
When I try to verify Example1_Constant_Read.ino, I am getting a compilation error: Compilation error: ‘class SoftwareSerial’ has no member named ‘isListening’
It seems to be indicating the problem is coming from line 111 in the setupNano function:
while (softSerial.isListening() == false); //Wait for port to open
I tried commenting that line out and replacing it with a delay:
// while (softSerial.isListening() == false); //Wait for port to open
but when the code runs I just get back a failure message in the serial monitor: Module failed to respond. Please check wiring.
I soldered stackable headers and I am using the reader as a shield. I tried double checking everything, but they looked okay in my (novice) eyes. So I am guessing this could potentially be more of a software problem than a physical hardware one. At the very least, it would be nice to get the example code correctly verifying so I can eliminate that as a potential problem.
Has anyone ever run into any similar issues? I tried looking for the missing member error message in the forum search, but no results were found so I am not sure what could be wrong when everything is just new.