Jetbot too slow, can't run inbuilt data collection code

Dear Moderator,

I purchased Jetbot a few weeks back. I am trying to run data collection code in ‘rode following’ example. The camera stream is extremely slow with a lag of more than 5 minutes. I am not being able to work on the same.

I tried to flash the image again but it did not resolve the issue. Then I bought a 128GB high-speed HD card UHS-1 and flash the OS again, it is still slow!

I am not sure why is this. I have seen Jetson nano working ok otherwise even with two camera streams, why is this particular application not working? Can you please guide on this. :roll:


Thanks for reaching out to us on this.

Nvidia provides the coding for those examples, so their forums might be a better source for issues regarding code…but that example uses extensive training (to determine what is/isn’t a road) - be sure to pre-train your model(s), which should assist with read/write bottlenecks like you’ve described … _following

Hope this helps, and happy sparking!