JTAG Debugger Problem

New user question, just trying to get started with the LPC2129 ARM7.

I just ordered and received 2 Olimex LPC-H2129 boards and an ARM-JTAG Debugger.

I downloaded the Philips LPC2000 Flash Utility V2.2.0 and with the BSL jumper in place I can talk to the boards, so I know that they are alive.

I downloaded the Macraiger Systems OCD Commander software Ver 2.3.9

The BSL jumper is removed, the DBG and JRST jumpers are installed, and the board is reset.

The lpt1: port is set for EPP mode.

I start the OCD Commander software and set

Target Processor = ARM / ARM7xxx

OCD Interface Device = Wiggler

Speed = 8 ( I have tried 1,5,8 I believe 8 is slowest)

I tried this with both LPC2129 boards.

I tried this on a Dell OptiPlex GX115 running XP/Pro.

I tried this on a Compaq Armada 100s running Win98 SE.

The response always received is

“Error Response from INITIALIZE: 0x03 cable disconnected (03:10)”

Am I doing something stupid???

Can I tell with a scope on the JTAG lines if it is working???

What else can I try???

The same happens on my setup.

A LPC-P2106 is hooked up to a 600 MHz pIII-Notebook running Windows XP SP2.

When setting “Speed” to 8, the Macraigor Tool (OCD commander) sometimes seems to communicate, but this seems both extremely slow and unreliable.

Any other “Speed” setting results in the error message mentioned by Joe.

Using IAR EWARM with the Macraigor Wiggler driver (at “speed” 8), the download speed is about 0.03 kBytes/sec (some people type faster than that!) and afterwards communication invariably fails.

Is there any other way to test the ARM-JTAG? Is there any other software that works reliably?

download Rowley’s CrossWorks, and ask for test 30 days licensee

you will see that problem is not in the hardware

I’ve spent a day trying to config and run GNUARM under windows then I gave up. I’ve heard that other have more sucess but had no time to dig more.

Best regards


Thanks for that response.

So the only useable application would be Rowley’s Crossworks?

This would imply that the device is not fully “Wiggler”-compatible, as the software made by Macraigor (OCD Commander), which is intended for use with a Wiggler, won’t work with the ARM-JTAG-debugger.

Hmm. Well, let’s try to obtain a demo version.

I didn’t say you can’t use OCD commander, many peoples do with our JTAG, but I can’t help you, and it seems you can’t figure out how to setup as well.

This is how Rowley and Keil make money - peoples who have more money than time to spend in config right GNUARM tools just buy their IDE which is on top of GCC :slight_smile:

Richard Barry for instance wrote RTOS port for our LPC-P2106 and ARM-JTAG using GNUARM tools.

Best regards


New user question, just trying to get started with the LPC2129 ARM7.

I just ordered and received 2 Olimex LPC-H2129 boards and an ARM-JTAG Debugger.

I downloaded the Philips LPC2000 Flash Utility V2.2.0 and with the BSL jumper in place I can talk to the boards, so I know that they are alive.

I downloaded the Macraiger Systems OCD Commander software Ver 2.3.9

The BSL jumper is removed, the DBG and JRST jumpers are installed, and the board is reset.

The lpt1: port is set for EPP mode.

I start the OCD Commander software and set

Target Processor = ARM / ARM7xxx

OCD Interface Device = Wiggler

Speed = 8 ( I have tried 1,5,8 I believe 8 is slowest)

I tried this with both LPC2129 boards.

I tried this on a Dell OptiPlex GX115 running XP/Pro.

I tried this on a Compaq Armada 100s running Win98 SE.

The response always received is

“Error Response from INITIALIZE: 0x03 cable disconnected (03:10)”

Am I doing something stupid???

Can I tell with a scope on the JTAG lines if it is working???

What else can I try???

Same thing here with a LPC-P2106, but I also get the "internal error 43".

Is there some way to do the debugging without spending 150€ in a cable or £495 in a pretty IDE over gcc?

Same thing here with a LPC-P2124, but I also get the “internal error 43”.

It’s supposed to be very straightforward if that JTAG device is wiggler compatible, but it seems not. It seems a joke when buying a cheap board but spending a lot on IDE.

Naruwon: Do you have original Wiggler? Does it behave different than ARM-JTAG?


No, I don’t have it. I just heard the older version might work just like what Richard Barry did. Perhaps the OCD commander make the arm jtag difference.

I have found that using an older version of the OCDRemote software works for me where the current version is nothing but problems with the Wiggler from Olimex. I wonder if Macgraigor put something in the current version to detect the copycat Wigglers…

Anyway, I used version 2.06 of the OCDRemote, and it has connected successfully ever since. I believe the version on the Macgraigor site is 2.08. It is approximately 3 MB in size…is there someplace I can post it here???


John Orlando


This is very interesting feed back, we never have had original Wiggler in our hands, so the JTAG interfaces may be different. I’m not surprised that Macgraigor binded their “free” software to only their Wiggler :wink:

Where the new version 2.08 can be downloaded?

Best regards


I’ve done some testing with the Olimex ARM-JTAG and the LPC-P1. Same result as John Orlando reported. ocdremote Version 2.07 and 2.08 show the reported “error cable disconnected”. Version 2.06 does not connect everytime with faster speed-settings on a PII-400/W2KSP4/IntelBX/EPP-Mode but most of the time it does (sometimes even with speed 2). The connection to Insight-gdb in version 6.1 (cygwin) and 5.2.1 (w32) works once ocdremote is up and running. Someone in the LPC2100 Yahoo-group has written that the latest version of Macraigor’s software does work with a very simple Wiggler (just 74HC244+Transistor).


Martin Thomas


you didn’t read correctly what Leon Heller wrote:

"There is definitely a problem with the latest OCD Commander utility;

I can’t get it to work with my JTAG interface, whereas the old

version was fine. The new software does work with my genuine

Wiggler, so it looks as though it is testing something. I can’t think

what it is, though."

so the latest OCD commander works only with original Wiggler and not with his HC244 circuit


Yes, should have reread my post before sending it to the forum. Was ment like Tsvetan said and written like this in a german forum. Got contact to someone who claims that he has a clone which works with ocdremote 2.08, still has to be proven.

M. Thomas

There are some post in comp.arch.embededd that refer some connection between pins 8 and 15. I still have to try it to se if it works.

Luciano Almeida

indeed the mistery is solved

since 2.06 OCD debugger checks if pin 8 and pin 15 are connected and show false errors if see that they are not connected

it seems the original Wiggler have these tied together to may software automatically test if on the LPT port Wiggler is connected.

We’ll patch all ARM-JTAGs we have on stock and will make all future ARM-JTAGs with this feature, so all versions of OCD commander will work with our ARM-JTAG


We’ll patch all ARM-JTAGs we have on stock and will make all future ARM-JTAGs with this feature, so all versions of OCD commander will work with our ARM-JTAG

That is…until a future version of OCDRemote requires that the two pins NOT be connected… :slight_smile: I’d make it jumper-able somehow if this is really the mechanism they are relying on.

John Orlando


this is very much impossible to happend

it seems that original Wiggler have these two connected, so I don’t think macgraigor will piss of their customers with original Wiggler :slight_smile:


Can someone spare me an older version of OCD Remote e.g. v2.06?

Tsvetan, Can you be more specific how to rework the current olimex jtag to make it work with the newer OCD Remote e.g. v2.08? I’d like to rework it before you have the newer jtag released. Thanks, toroko@naruwon.com


I have pass one entire day to search a software able to program your shitting lpc2106 board by jtag. Always I have an “error 43”!! :evil:

ONE DAY to search a good software and understand if the board is working or not!! :evil:

For pure case, i see the forum link and come here… if you insert in the page a little text about the connection between pins 8-15, many persons not spent time!!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: