Ky-015 sensor on Raspberry Pi

I am trying to get the KY-105 Humidity and Temperature sensor to work on the Raspberry Pi. I have the same one on the Arduino Uno next to it. I know the wiring is right. I have the same sensor on the Arduino next to it. Tested this sensor on it. … /dht11.jpg …

Humidity read 0.0% on Pi. Temperature and Humidity work on Arduino. is the DHT11 file I am using.

I tested the single supply logic level data through ports with the LED Blink so all four pairs are working.

The 5V rail from the SSLLC is 4.97V

Using GPIO port 25. Checked the pin out on the T-Cobbler Pro. Tested Blink LED on it.

I tried an example with the AdaFruit KY-015 Git file.

Any suggestions?


Static hostname: raspberrypi

Icon name: computer

Machine ID: 0e7cc6f709a7435a88456aef8c713b99

Boot ID: 34a92257ef6f403b837a6bd4cc841d3b

Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Kernel: Linux 5.10.63-v7l+

Architecture: arm

free -h

total used free shared buff/cache available

Mem: 7.7Gi 170Mi 7.3Gi 17Mi 243Mi 7.3Gi

Swap: 99Mi 0B 99Mi

May 2021 64-bit Raspbian file.

Raspberry Pi 4B is updated


Is it really necessary to use the logic level converter? I mean, this sensor can directly be connected to the T cobbler plus, right?

Anyway, have you checked this tutorial? If you have not, you can give it a try. It contains many tips and tricks. … pberry-pi/

You can also cross-check your codes and circuit with this video to find if anything is missing. … pberry-pi/