Large Digit Driver Hook-up Guide "Example: Two Large Digits"


I purchased four drivers and 6.5" display a while ago and I got everything hooked up.

Under the “Example: Two Large Digit” I copied and pasted the code into my Arduino and it works.

My Question is: How can I tweak the code so the “Decimal” after the 1st digit will light up? i.e. instead of “show number 42” it shows “4.2”

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


This function:

void postNumber(byte number, boolean decimal)

takes the digit to be displayed and the boolean for the decimal point. You would need to modify the code that calls the function so that it passes the boolean true with the first digit. Like this:

postNumber(4, true);
postNumber(2, false);

darrelg, i will give this a try tomorrow morning! thank you!