LCD-16397 footprint dimensions

I’m trying to make a footprint for the LCD-16397 display for use in Altium Circuitmaker. Maybe I’m just dumb, but I can’t figure out how to get the y offset of the header through-holes with respect to anything else in the dimentioned drawing provided by SparkFun. There are dimensions relating the header holes to each other and to other features in the x direction, but nothing in the y direction. Please tell me I’m wrong.

The drawing above came from here: … p_Down.pdf



I loaded the LCD display module in [fritizing and in the parts editor, I see that the top edge of the headers is 0.8382mm from the top edge of the board, and the width/height of the headers is 1.8796mm. That makes the centers of the headers 1.778mm from the top edge.

Image from part editor is rotate 90 deg, so you have to use x and width


thank you

So, I built a board based off the advice above and the rest of the dimensions on the drawing. Looks like the drawing is wrong and the distance between the mounting holes on the actual module doesn’t match. If you’re going to use this module, buy one and measure it first. See all my gripes about it in the comments and reviews on the LCD-16397 product page.